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Check back for updates on the 2016 season

The Instructors

Nyle "Swanee" Swainston has been the foundation of canine disc in the Northwest for over 15 years.  He has won numerous Skyhoundz regional championships in both Freestyle and Distance and accuracy with his crsip clean throws and relaxed style on the field.  He's always happy to share his love of this sport, and has helped hundreds of people to get out and have more fun with their dogs. 

Julian Dodge started his disc career with his beloved Dodger.  The two went on to win the Skyhoundz Regional Championship in Freestyle and compete at the Skyhoundz World Championship.  Julian is known for his creativity on the field, utilizing a variety of advanced throws and creative and difficult disc releases and brushes.  Julian has been a great asset to the disc community and has volunteered as one of the primary freestyle judges in the Northwest for several years.

Aaron Abrahamson has been an active member of WOOFD2 for over 10 years.  He's always the first one to volunteer to help line judge, and has been a freestyle judge at the Skyhoundz Regional Championship for many years.  Aaron and Leo are previous Skyhoundz DA Regional Champions and freestyle qualifiers.  They competed in the Skyhoundz World Championship and were world finalists in pairs freestyle in both 2004 and 2005.  Aaron enjoys teaching and is always happy to get together to throw some plastic.

Tombi Ericson saw her first freestyle routine in 2008 and has been hooked ever since.  She specializes in trick training and received her instructor certification in 2013.  Suki and Tombi are known for their fancy footwork on the field and fast paced freestyle sequences.  She  draws from her experience in disc, flyball, herding and agility when teaching and training, and loves to share her passion for the sport of canine disc.

What should I bring to class?


  • A minimum of 5 dog safe discs preferably the same type.  We will have the club store on hand and will have a large selection of hero and hyperflite discs available or you can purchase them online through either manufacturer. 

  • high value training treats

  • favorite toy for tugging

  • leash

  • water for your dog

  • There is some space to crate inside, but most prefer to crate in their car at this location. 

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